Stereotype in Media

Friday, 15 July 2011

    We all know that when type of media wants to represent certain race or specific people it shows some of their true behavior or their real culture, but what I want to talk about is something became a stereotype and it is not even real, which is, ALIENS SPACESHIP.

      When you ask someone to describe an aliens spaceship, he will say that it is in round shaped. Everyone one has seen a round shaped spaceship in a movie or an animation or even a picture in a book, so it’s something became a stereotyped that alien’s vehicles are most likely flying dishes, and a lot of people started to believe that, but the fact is there is no aliens at the first place, and if we assumed that we are not alone in this universe, no one has ever seen such thing, so the round shaped vehicle doesn't exist in real world, so why we believe in this thing?

      Here where we can see the power of media, it makes people believe in almost everything, no matter if it’s real or not, as long as it got represented in an interesting way, so anything comes from the media it will have a deep impact in the audience.

 Alasmari, Mohammed Awadh


shazeen said...

yeha alasmari there alto of manipulation that they understood through media they can control the people that why they are setting up these things to scare pupils! AM TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU GOOD JOB!!!

Jinat Ara Moni said...

Yeah whatever you said that is true. We don’t know does alien’s spaceship exists or not but still we believe it because of media’s presentation power and this is called real or imaginary normal behavior stereotype which always media presents in movies and so on.

Laila.Albahar said...

i disagree with you in putting this under the media stereotyping me i think it is simply a sense of imagination and i also disagree with you saying that ALIENS do no exists cause it has been proven there is life in other planets .. on the other hand i do agree with you in saying that media is so powerful that it can make us open up our imagination for the unknown and trying to ask our self the question ( what if) and that is an advantage because it helped us travel to the moon it helped us discover a little bit of our universe

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