Are Bloggers Journalists? Should They Get to Use Shield Laws?

Saturday, 23 July 2011

First i will start by definition the shield laws for journalists and what the shield laws do for journalists.
Shield laws are laws which protect journalists from being forced to disclose confidential information in legal proceedings. These laws protect the rights of a journalist from revealing confidential sources, notes, or other unpublished information and may be applied in both criminal and civil hearings. There are currently no federal statutes pertaining to shield laws, and as such these laws are left up to the states to determine.

The issue of whether or not journalists can be subpoenaed and forced to reveal confidential information arose in 1972 with the United States Supreme Court case Branzburg v. Hayes. Paul Branzburg was a reporter for The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Kentucky and wrote an article about the drug hashish. In creating the article, he came in contact with two local citizens who had created and used the drug. Because their activity was illegal, Branzburg promised the two individuals that he would not reveal their identities. After the article was published, Branzburg was subpoenaed by a local grand jury and ordered to reveal the identity of his sources. Branzburg refused and cited the provisions for freedom of the press from the First Amendment of the Constitution, in his defense.
The case eventually reached the US Supreme Court, where the court decided in a five to four decision that the press did not have a Constitutional right of protection from revealing confidential information in court. The court acknowledged, however, that the government must "convincingly show a substantial relation between the information sought and a subject of overriding and compelling state interest." While this ruling did not set a precedent for journalistic rights in court, it did define a more stringent set of requirements for when a journalist could be subpoenaed in court. This ruling was limited in nature, did not set a clear federal precedent regarding journalistic privileges from revealing confidential information, and thus has been interpreted and cited differently by courts over the years.

Now we know what is the shield laws for journalists and how it work . 

Now Are Bloggers Journalists?  Should They Get to Use Shield Laws? 

April  25, 2010  ever have a negative experience with a company and your first impulse is to use the power of your website to go online and write about it? You may want to think twice,
since a ruling in New Jersey against a blogger last week may have implications for wether or not bloggers are journalists and therefore protected by shield  laws and youmay need to be able to back up and prove any claims you make online .
on  July 2010 the New Jersey superior Superior Court ruled that Shellee Hale, a blogger, was not a journalist -- and therefore not protected by shield laws, which normally protect journalists -- when she went online and "defamed the company Too Much Media by writing, among other things, that the firm had violated state laws protecting consumers against identity theft," according to the ABA Journal.
Superior Court Judge Louis Locascio stated in the July decision, "To extend the newsperson's privilege to such posters would mean anyone with an e-mail address, with no connection to any legitimate news
publication, would post anything on the internet and hide behind the shield law's protections."

Last week's appellate court ruling allowed the company, which according to the New Jersey Star-Ledger, "supplies software to online pornography websites," to continue with its slander lawsuit.

Shield laws are there to protect journalists who need to serve as whistleblowers on sensitive issues prior to a legal ruling. They state that journalists do not need to reveal their sources and can refuse to testify about information they write in an article. Hale tried to utilize shield laws when the company demanded that she back up her claims and reveal her sources.
Yet bloggers often act as journalists -- journalists outside the mainstream media -- and this ruling could muzzle ordinary citizens from using their voice to point out the foibles of companies without protection from lawsuits. At the same time, this ruling could also protect citizens and companies from having slanderous statements made about them on the Internet. It's a ruling that cuts both ways.
At the heart of the case is the question of whether bloggers are journalists -- and if so, should they be held to the same standards as well as receive the same protections.
Journalistics points out that the self-perception of bloggers as journalists has risen.

Joshua Wolf (born June 8, 1982) is an American journalist who was jailed by a Federal district court on August 1, 2006 for refusing to turn over a collection of videotapes he recorded during a July 2005 demonstration in San Francisco, California. 



Jinat Ara Moni said...

I do agree, whether bloggers are journalists or not but they should have a law like shield laws as a backup which will be protecting them. Sometimes few bloggers write some credible things in their blog (it can be about a company or anything), just because they don’t have law like shield laws govt. force them to reveal their secret sources.

moments to remember~* said...
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Laila.Albahar said...

actually i dont agree that bloggers should be protected by this law.
i mean they are not professional journalists to be treated the same.
most of the bloggers are amateurs and unprofessional writers that some times think they know the truth but they dont or think they have a really important true news but they dont ...if we go protecting everyone who claims to know the truth then who will we believe.
if you want to be protected and you think and believe that you know how to present news to the public and all then you should be a journalist not just a blogger.

Media culture said...

thanks jinat .
laila so how journalist dose not have the right to have a blog, and keep update their blog.
but the solution for this issue some of the bloggers can be a journalists only if there is a proper law, so this law can show to the public the difference between blogger and journalist. and will allowed the chance for bloggers to become more professional and become a journalist.
in this way we can give a space to journalists to have their own blog .

Doraid N. Mohammad

Rajaei Bahaj-1091108800 said...

I actually agree with Laila ..
if the bloggers think that they are in need to protected, they should be journalists. It's not the matter that if the bloggers have the truth, they should be protected by a proper law. No, it's that way. It's the matter of specialization and professionalization . The field of journalism is a specialization it's not just a hobby or an interest like the blogging!

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