Top 3 social media tools companies use .

Sunday, 10 July 2011


Guys we all know the most three popular  social media apps in our toolkit are Facebook twitter and linked In, But there  are many companies using to have the edge and be more efficient and productive in their social media efforts .  how they are tweeting and how they monitoring that so I will show you  3 tools where found to be very popular and very widely use among brands and business.



The best awesome thing is the web-base social media engagement, management and reporting, helps companies of all sizes engage  to track and analyze conversation about their brands across the most popular and influential social communities these days ( Facebook , Twitter)
Bad thing or let’s say not awesome at all is There can be issues with lag time in Tweets being posted and there is a lack of auto fill of Twitter names for tagging in tweets and hash tags. 
 Companies that use it: Whole foods 


A social media engagement tool that also lets you to find out who the top influencers are for your product/service category along with tracking conversations and engagement impact on your brand, and that is awesome thing.
 But what is not awesome is The CRM capability would be great to have and thanks to their new integration with Salesforce, it is possible now via the integration. Companies that use it: Dominos
Radian6 dashboard pricing starts at 600 $ per month. They also offer a 50% discount for registered and qualified charitable organizations. 


I totally agree with him .


 Ability to listen, monitor, respond, and engage efficiently and effectively on your social platforms from one dashboard or on the go. That is awesome thing
 But what is not awesome is Lacking Google Analytics integration and the ability to save draft tweets to schedule for later , Companies that use it: NBC
Doraid N. Mohammad 

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