Bloggers vs. Journalists

Friday, 22 July 2011

Web blogging developed over year ago, which has started as an online diary and became a popular tool among people. Blogs deliver the information to the users very quickly. According to a research have done by PRNewswire in April 2010, “52 percent of bloggers think themselves journalists”.  But the question is, are bloggers journalists?

In my opinion, I don’t think bloggers are journalists. They are like columnists or publishers. Anyone can start blogging because it is an easiest way that people can use it for communication, providing news and share their experiences, thoughts with an audience. Bloggers use blog as a diary, news provider about certain object, personal uses, publishing advertisement for making money etc. The thing is if bloggers publish a story about certain society, it doesn’t mean that they are journalists. Most of the time I see bloggers rely on the other blogs and social media for finding information but there is always lack of the process of corroborating and analyzing that information. Same like I can say, I always write in my blog but it doesn’t mean that I am a professional writer. Sometimes we even don’t know the name of the blogger and the veracity of the comments because they don’t have any professional identity as a journalist.

However with a journalist, he has own professional identity as a journalist and access to different sources of information in this field. Journalist must do their research, have to check the facts and reports of the facts are accurate or not. Where bloggers only give their own judgment about a particular topic and that is not called journalism. The most vital thing is, from a journalist we can ask responsibilities for his news and to the media but bloggers don’t have to face these kinds of situation.

Journalists have to obey some rules and regulations before publishing any news and have a code of conduct that they need to adhere to but bloggers never follow any rules, there is freedom to express their opinion and publishing news weather it is true or false, they are not responsible for their news.

NJ Supreme Court Rules Bloggers Are NOT Journalist!

Therefore, nowadays everyone is using blogs even journalists also have their own professional blog. But it is not painstaking that everyone is journalist those who use blog. In my opinion I would like to say that,  most of the bloggers are not journalists, but some journalists are bloggers.


shazeen said...

jinat i really like the way you expressed about the blogger vs journalist i disagree that bloggers are not journalist i agree their journalist because they have the right to publish anything in among the internet but very unprofessional and illegal journalism way so i agree them as unprofessional journalisms !!!

Jinat Ara Moni said...

shazeen you said bloggers have the right to publish anything in the blog that’s why they are journalists but not professional. From my point of view, I would say that anyone can be a publisher in blog but that doesn’t make their information credible but journalist’s information must have to be credible. My question is if I write or publish something craps about my personal matter or anything in my blog, that time also you will be considering as an unprofessional journalism?
Because it cannot be considered as journalism but yes we can say it’s a freelance writing that most of the bloggers do.

shazeen said...

yeah your right when they publish their personal information its not consider as a journalism its personal journal only 10% of the people are in this list Google confirmed it so 90% of them are unprofessional journalism publishers so in my point of view is most of them are unprofessional !!!

Rajaei Bahaj-1091108800 said...

Totally agree with you jinat ..
and I like the phrase when you said:
"most of the bloggers are not journalists, but some journalists are bloggers"

very accurate ..

shazeen said...

so rajaei your not agree with my words i don't know why u support her but for my point of view is "every blogger can be journalist but not professional and illegal" !! this is my word because a blogger can do anything in his page but information may be cannot be trust that's why a blogger can be journalist if he publish the truth read my article you will understand with reference and examples bro!!

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